Health Questionnaires
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Twelve things to do to help improve fertility
Go off any contraceptive pills or devices 3 to 6 months prior attempting conception. 3 steps to better health – 1) cleans, 2) nourish and 3)...
Stress and Fertility – “under pressure”
‘Who took the jam out of your donut’? The definition of stress is anything that requires us to adapt and make changes to our habits, routines,...
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMT/S)
‘The Grumpy Monthly - the Bitch is Back’ Premenstrual tension (PMT) or syndrome (PMS – Potential Murder Suspect) is a condition that has symptoms...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
The hormone domino effect Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) (Also called Stein-leventhal Syndrome) is now estimated to affect up to 20 per cent (1...
Mother Nature giving Cupid a helping hand – ‘Feeling Frisky’ Intimacy or In – To – Me – See
The tone ‘Fa’ – the sacred solfeggio scale frequencies 639 Hz & 528 Hz helps creates harmonious relationships, communication and love From...
‘The Silent Epidemic’ – The dark night of the soul The secret society that no one want to be a part of To firstly become pregnant and then to...
Longevity – ‘Age had no Boundary’
Just for the record – Anatolia Vertabella from Napoli, Italy is recognised by the world record academy as the World Oldest Mother, giver birth to a...
Fibroids – Uterine Myoma & Endometrial Polyps
Uterine fibroids (also called leiomyomas or myomas) are benign (non-cancerous) growths (tumours) that can form on the interior muscular wall (the...
Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence – ‘I’ve lost my mojo!’
Nature’s way of saying ‘No Hard Feelings’! Half the Man I use to be … Survival of the Firmist “Cometh the hour…cometh the man…well...
Interview on General Health – Audio Podcast
An audio podcast interview on General Health.
Discovering the Fertility Code – The Symphony of Life
Dream and make whole! “Reinvent the life you want and your heart desires?’ “Every act that comes from purpose is supported by nature and has the...
Clinical Nutrition
‘Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food’ Hippocrates (460-377B.C) Nutrition means “to nourish, to suckle, to nurse” the...
Herbal Medicines used for Female Infertility
Fertility drugs may not be for everyone. Some women have to stop taking them because their ovaries have become hyper-stimulated (a severe...
Radio Interview – Jason Jackson 4BC: 10 February 2014
Facts of Fertility Radio Interview
Making babies book
Making Babies is a thorough and comprehensive compilation of up-to-date scientific research, blended with a wealth of informative and practical...
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar, With Pain
Women can experience a lifetime of changes; puberty, womanhood, menarche (start of your periods), cyclic menstruation, pregnancy, child labour,...
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