At the Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic, we are pleased to offer a range of options for our clients to look after their health. Our Natural Health Practitioners continue to study and train in all areas of health to bring to you easy and effective programs and methods for achieving optimal health for all people, at all stages of life. Whilst our website contains helpful information in regards to many common health concerns, the best way to get your health back on track is to have an Individual Health Consultation. At the Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic we encourage the practice of healthy lifestyles, balanced diet and use of nutritional medicines, herbal remedies and natural therapies to help resolve health issues or to maintain vitality. Treatments involve the use of natural medicines, detoxification, nutrition, stress management, allergy and infection control and lifestyle advice and are complemented by the diagnostic and therapeutic support.
Unlocking Your Best Ever Health
Interested in booking an appointment? Call (07) 5477 7115 or send us an email.
Health Consultations FAQs
Which health conditions do you treat?
Listed below are some of the most common conditions that we treat, however we can treat all conditions no matter how simple or complex.
- Fatigue and Low Energy
- Fertility and Infertility Support
- Women’s Health
- Menopausal Symptops
- PMS & Painful/Irregular Periods
- PCOS & Endometriosis
- Men’s Health
- Prostate & Urinary Tract Health
- Hormone Imbalances
- Dietary & Nutritional Planning
- Allergies and Food Sensitivities
- Sleep Disturbance
- Clinical Detox Cleansing Program
- Weight Loss & Weight Gain
- Digestive Disturbances
- Constipation, Bloating & Indigestion
- Diarrhea, IBS & IBD
- Candida/Thrush Clearance Program
- Anti-Ageing + Regenerative Wellness
- Respiratory Conditions
- Asthma, Bronchitis & Sinusitis
- Thyroid Health
- Stress & Your Adrenal Glands
- Cancer Support Program
- Cardiovascular Disease
- High & Low Blood Pressure
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Joints, Arthritis, Gout & Pain
- Mood Disorders – Anxiety and Depression
- Immunity Boosting & Autoimmunity – Cold & Flu
- Children’s Health
- ADHD, Ear Infections & Colic
- Teething & Bed Wetting
- Skin Conditions – Eczema, Psoriasis & Acne
If you can’t see your health issue listed here, please contact us on (07) 5477 7115 to discuss how we can help you.
What can I expect at a Consultation?
For your first Health Consultation, you should allow one hour as our Practitioners take a very detailed health history to find out what is happening to your body. Within this hour, your Practitioner will discuss areas such as your Digestive System, Endocrine or Hormonal System, Immune System, Skin, Nervous System (including energy levels and sleeping concerns), right down to how you are feeling emotionally!
Consultations are individual which means that you receive one on one attention from your Practitioner so they are better able to create effective treatment plans and advice customised for you. Toward the end of your consultation, your Practitioner will discuss the possible reasons ‘why’ you are experiencing problems and they will explain and discuss your treatment plan options with you. At the clinic, we utilise various diagnostic tools alongside a detailed case history to prepare a comprehensive plan for addressing any issues and attaining optimal health.
How many Consultations will I need?
This all depends on your state of health and your treatment program that both you and your Practitioner have devised. You can discuss with your Practitioner how many consultations you may require, however if you are being treated for something more chronic, then follow up appointments every 2 months or so may be performed. If you are being treated for something more acute, it may be important for you to return after 2-6 weeks until your health has stablised.
Subsequent or “follow-up” consultations usually last about 30 – 45 minutes which will be arranged at the end of your first consultation with your practitioner. It is important to have these “Follow-up” appointments as you should allow your practitioner to review the progress of your treatment protocol as they may need to “fine-tune” your treatment protocol to suit your changing needs.
Will I be prescribed any supplements?
At Jackson Health we use a range of methods to get your health back on track, some of which include supplementation to assist your body to repair, heal, re-balance and re-energise. The Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic has one of the largest compounding Herbal and Nutritional Dispensaries which means we are capable of creating medicinal supplements specially designed just for you. This may include specially compounded nutritional and herbal powders, blended herbal or homeopathic remedies, nutritional and herbal tablets or capsules as well as topical creams.
I can’t come in to the clinic; can I still have a consultation?
Whether you don’t live on the Sunshine Coast and are too busy to come into the clinic, have kids at home that you can’t leave or are just unable to get to clinic, you can definitely still have a consult with us.
The Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic has developed a rapport with thousands of clients who live all over Australia and from around the world who cannot get to see us in person. We are happy to perform consultations via phone, skype (zoom) and any supplements can easily be express posted directly to your door.
Health Fund Rebates
Jackson Health does not currently offer Health Fund Rebates – the rules keep changing and this is under review at the moment. We will advise our customers as soon as possible.
Payment Facilities
The Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic takes most modes of payment, except Amex or Diners. Most preferred payment methods are: Cash, EFTPOS, Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard), Cheque.
Cancellation Policy
Our practitioners can be booked out well in advance, so it would be advisable to reserve your appointment time as soon as possible. If you have already made your appointment but find that you are unable to attend it at that time, please give the clinic a courtesy call at least 48 hours ahead of your scheduled time. At times, we can have quite a long waiting list for other people to attend our clinic, so others may appreciate the advanced notice so rescheduling can be arranged.
If you find yourself having to cancel your appointment within 48 hours and we are unable to re-schedule it due to lack of notice, a fee of 75% of the original consultation fee may be charged. Of course, exceptions will be made for some circumstances, however we do ask that you make a reasonable effort to contact us (e.g. phone, message, email) to advise us of you inability to attend your appointment.
If you are concerned you may not be able to make your appointment, then please give the clinic a call and speak to our friendly receptionists as they will be able to help you so you do not miss out. SMS or Email reminders are normally sent out several days prior to your appointment time for confirmation.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy or ‘Nature Cure” is a system of integrated complimentary medicine that blends the benefits of holistic natural health care and modern medical science to unravel the mysteries of dis-ease . Self-education and prevention are also foundations of Naturopathic medicine; prevention of disease is encouraged through the elimination of toxins and helping to educate you on the principles of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
By focusing on the underlying cause or origin of the dis-ease, your body has a far better opportunity to correct and heal itself naturally when giving the right conditions to do so. Achieving a state of balance or homeostasis is the bodies’ natural state, through slight corrections in cellular nutrition , diet counseling and additional herbal and / or homeopathic supplementation will help to promote the right healing environment and response. Treatments can be coordinated at the structural, biochemical or emotional / psychological levels.
Tipping the balance back into your favor
Naturopathy empowers and enables you to assume a more pro-active role in your own health care – this alone is powerful medicine.
Naturopathy can be utilized basically in ALL health care situations, in particular, those of a chronic or degenerative nature.
Treatments are extremely safe, effective and can be used to compliment conventional orthodox medicine. Naturopathy treatments can be tailored to all family members of all ages
Naturopathy can help target these ailments…
- Anti-Aging, Longevity and Regenerative Wellness Therapies
- Arthritis / Inflammatory disorders – Rheumatism, Fibromyalgia Autoimmune – Thyroid dysfunction,
- Bladder disorders – Urinary tract infections, Mild Incontinence
- Cancer Support; reduce excessive Calcification;
- Cardiovascular Disease – Varicose Veins, Headaches,
- Childhood ailments – ADD, Asperger’s, Food Intolerances
- Chronic Fatigue – Chronic Stress, Adrenal Exhaustion
- Detoxification Imbalances – Liver and Gallbladder Blockages;
- Digestive disturbances – Bloating, Constipation, Indigestion
- Gastrointestinal Disorders – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Reflux
- Hormone imbalances – Oestrogen dominance, Irregular Periods
- Male Disorders – Low Libido, Prostate Enlargement
- Menopausal symptoms – Hot Flushes, Fibroids, Mood swings
- Menstrual disorders – Infertility, Endometriosis, PCOS and PMS
- Muscular problems – Sports injuries, Cramps, Spasms, Sprains
- Nerve conditions – Mild Depression / Anxiety, Poor Memory
- Neurological – Neuropathies, Multiple Sclerosis
- Respiratory conditions – Asthma, Allergies, Hay fever, Sinusitis
- Skin condition – Acne, Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis
- Sleeping issues – Type 1 and 2 Insomnia, Sleep Apnea
- Poor immune function – Mild Infections, Candida, Parasites
- Weight management – Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes
- Wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and motivated to purse the challenges of a new day;
- Feel more energetic and vigor to get through the day more efficiently and not arriving home exhausted;
- Have the desire to make better eating and drinking choices and habits; get your Mojo back;
The ripple effect that Naturopathic Medicines can have on all aspects of your life is potentially limitless:
- Be enthusiastic to want to exercise and play sport more
- Tone up those relaxed muscles and get fit and fabulous;
- Positive Momentum nurtures Success; The want to be more socially engaging – reconnect with friends, family, and loved one;
- Interact more with your kids, grand kids or great grand kids;
- If you are thinking about having kids get busy making babies;
- Start new projects or get back to old hobbies you enjoy;
- Have increased adaptability and resilience to stress;
- Have greater Will power to be more confident and adventurous to want to do new and exciting things;
- Gravitate towards your hearts desire;
- Have more zest to go for that promotion;
- Become a Doer and not a Watcher;
- Be inspired so you can also be inspirational to others;
- Slow aging and become more youthful in mind, body and spirit;
- Leave getting old to someone else;
- End feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired;
- Put 100% into everything you choose to do;
- Rediscover FUN – prescribe it to yourself Daily;
- Take control of your Destiny; Embrace Change;
- Live the life you Dreamed of living; Expand your Reality;
- Get Happy; Activate Brilliance; Be Awesome; Go EPIC;
- Life can be far too short so get the most out of every moment;
- Get back to the top of your game and start living and LOVE life again! What your mind can conceive & believe it can achieve;
- Join the revolution and make your mark and contribute to a healthier world now and for future generations to come.
Ask yourself this simple question and it’s NOT a trick:
“What important changes would benefit your life and the life of your loved ones if you could improve the quality of your life”?
The choice is yours – LIVE, LOVE, MATTER…
Nutritional Medicine
There is no doubt that good nutrition is an essential part of achieving good health.
Dietetics is the study of how diet affects the human body and which nutrients are beneficial in various disease states. Many conditions deplete your body's nutrient levels. Eating foods which best suit your body composition and constitution increase the available energy within your body. Utilizing foods which are higher in nutritional value increase your vitality and reducing your risk or disease. When nutritional conditions are not ideal, additional supplementation with various vitamins and minerals may be therapeutically recommended to bring your body into a state of balance.
Herbal Medicine
For centuries, plants have healed the body; they are the oldest and still the most widely used system of medicine in the world today. Most herbs used today have been clinically or scientifically tested to prove their efficacy and safety. The healing constituents of herbs are extracted from the plant. The concentrated extracts are then available to you in various forms: Tinctures (liquids), Tablets, Capsules, Dried, and made into topical applications – such as creams or poultices.
Homeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s. He believed in the healing philosophy, of like cures like. Homeopathy is world renowned for its gentle yet highly effective ability to stimulate the body’s vital force to heal itself. Even the royal family are advocates of this treatment of disease and have their own appointed Homeopath.
Like flower essences, homeopathy is a vibrational medicine which uses minute doses of a substance to resonate with and stimulate healing. It it also safe for pregnant women and children, and acts on the whole person to heal physical, emotional and spiritual issues.
Flower Essences
Flower essences are vibrational medicines which have been used throughout history by indigenous cultures and ancient Egyptians. They act by resonating with our body’s own healing ability, stimulating it to heal itself from emotional, spiritual or physical blockages. Flower essences are safe and gentle enough to be used by pregnant women and children, whilst powerful enough to stimulate true healing. You may be familiar with ‘Emergency Essence’ or ‘Rescue Remedy’ which are easily available at most chemists. Many people who are unfamiliar with flower essences, swear by the benefits of these combination remedies.
Personalised flower essences
Personalised flower essences can be tailor made to treat the individual. At our clinic we use the Australian Bush Flower range which consists of 69 different essences which treat different emotional, spirtual and physical concerns.
Here at the Jackson Health Naturopathic we believe in treating the whole person. We believe there are often emotional links, if not emotional causes to some physical conditions. For example, a sore lower back may arise when starting a new job or venture in life.
In Europe, flower essences are even being embraced in hospitals to treat physical conditions. For example, ‘She Oak’ from the Australian Bush Flower essence range is being used as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy.
Get started with the Jackson Health Questionnaire and FREE E-Book extract “Making Babies”
The Dispensary
At the Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic, we contain one of the most comprehensive Herbal and Nutritional Dispensaries. We stock only the highest quality ‘practitioner only’ natural medicines from reputable suppliers. Due to the large amount of patients we have seen for a diversity of health issues we have researched and created specially designed supplements that are very effective at assisting these concerns (so much so that Practitioners over Australia are requesting to use our formulas for their patients!).
One of the unique factors about the Jackson Health Naturopathic Clinic’s Dispensary is that your practitioner is able to compound and custom-make your natural medicines (tonics, powders, homeopathics and creams) specific to your needs due to the vast selection of herbal and nutritional ingredients available at the clinic. Instead of receiving a multitude of supplements that you may receive with some other Practitioners, what this can mean for you is that you may require fewer number of products to take and a much more economical way to get your health back on track! Below is a list of some of our product ranges we stock in our Jackson Health Dispensary
BioActiv, Bioceutical, BioMedica, Bioresearch, Blackmores Professional Range, China Med Chinese Herbal Formulations, Dr Vera, Eagle, Herbal Extract Company, Jackson Health Natural Therapies, Medi-Herb, Metagenics, NPM, Nutrimedicine, Nutrition Care, Optimal Rx, Oriental Botanicals, Orthoplex, Pharmafood, PhytoMedicine, Sanum, Sunray, SunTen Chinese Herbs, and many more.
Introducing New Premium Products to the Jackson Health Range
Supplement Collection and Posting
Any supplements can be collected directly from the clinic otherwise postal orders can be arranged so they are sent direct to your door (with tracking). If you need to re-order anything on your prescription, you can email or phone through your order to the clinic and we will have it prepared and ready for you. If your prescription requires a supplement to be custom made (powders, herbal tonics, homeopathic and flower essences), it is appreciated if you can phone or email ahead by at least 1 hour to allow enough time for your order to be ready.
Nurture © and Alpha+ ©
Reproductive Superfood Powders
Nurture ©– 400 Gram Powder
Nurture is a unique premium and world class Super Food, Super Herb, Super Spice and Super Nutrient supplement powder formula designed to address all aspects of Female Reproductive Health and General Wellbeing. Nurture powder contains 45 of the world’s greatest synergistic quality ingredients sourced from numerous countries from around the globe. Nurture is vegan, vegetarian friendly and contains no GMO products. Nurture is manufactured to the highest standard at a HACCP certified facility.
Ingredients in Nurture include:
Organic Hemp Protein pwd, Pine Pollen, Maca root (Lepidium meyenii black / red)(org), Cacao raw/org bean powder, Donq Quai (Angelica sinensis) root, Moringa oleifera Leaf org powder, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) root extract, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) root, Camu Camu org berry, Chlorella (cracked cell microalgae org), Schisandra (Schizandra chinensis) berry powder, Lecithin (Non GMO – Sunflower), Nettle (sting Nettle, Urtica dioica) aerial/ seed/ root (org), Coconut Milk, Spinach powder, Pineapple fruit powder, Chaste Tree (Vitex Angus Castus) berry, Rehmannia glutinosa root pwd, Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root / rhizome, Paeonia (White Peony, Paeonia officinalis / lactiflora) root, Inositol, St Mary’s Thistle (Milk Thistle), Maqui org Berry, Broccoli Sprout org powder, Cinnamon, Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgara)(org) pwd, Kelp seaweed, Parsley leaf, Reishi mushroom (Lingzhi, Ganoderma lucidum – Queen of Mushrooms), Rosemary herb org, Benfotiamine (fat soluble form of Vitamin B1), Lemon (whole fruit) org pwd, Nicotinamide (Vit B3), Lipoic Acid, Calcium Pantothenate (Vit B5), Zinc Citrate, Pink Lake Salt (dense in micro-nutrients), Steviol glycosides (from organic Stevia leaf), Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P), Riboflavin (Vit B2), Thaumatin (from Monk fruit), Selenium chelate, Manganese citrate, Biotin, Calcium Folinate – methyl activated form of Folate – 5MTHF (contains no synthetic folic acid), Methylcobalamin (activated Vit B12), and Vitamin D3.
Alpha+ ©– 400 Gram Powder
Alpha+ is a unique premium and world class Super Food, Super Herb, Super Spice and Super Nutrient supplement powder formula designed to address all aspects of Male Reproductive Health and General Wellbeing. Alpha+ powder contains 54 of the world’s greatest synergistic quality ingredients sourced from numerous countries from around the globe. Alpha+ is vegan, vegetarian friendly and contains no GMO products. Alpha+ is manufactured to the highest standard at a HACCP certified facility.
Ingredients in Alpha+ include:
Pine Pollen, Rice Bran Stabilized soluble pwd, Maca root (Lepidium meyenii – black / red) (organic), Tribulus terrestris (standardized), Cacao org/raw bean pwd, Spirulina (org), Beetroot, L-Arginine Pyroglutamate, Bee Pollen, Horny Goat weed, Withania somnifera root (Ashwagandha) pwd, Astragalus root (org) pwd, Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum), Rhodia rosea pwd, L-Carnitine, Eleuthroccous senticosus (Siberian Ginseng) root, Fig pwd, Nettle root (org), Pomegranate Juice pwd, Noni (Moringa citrifolia) plant / fruit extract, Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus – King of Mushrooms), Fermented Greens (for superior absorption – Barley Grass (org), Alfalfa Grass (org), Oat Grass (org), Wheat Grass (org), Spirulina (org), Yam (org), Dunaliella salina phytoplankton (org), Agave (org), Chlorella, Kelp); N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), Pumpkin seed (org), Saw Palmento, Taurine, Boron citrate, Tienchi (Panax Noto-Ginseng), Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seed, Curcumin, Lemon (whole fruit) (org) pwd, Niactinamide (Vatamin B3), Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed), Blue Berry pwd, Zinc citrate, Pink Lake Salt (dense in micro-nutrients), Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf, Selenium Chelate, Pryidoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P, Activated Vit B6), Steviol glycoside (from organic Stevia leaf), Chromium Polynicotinate, Thaumatin (from Monk fruit), Methylcobalamin (Activated Vit B12), Calcium Folinate (methyl activated form of Folate – 5MTHF), and Vitamin D3.
*Highlights of the potential benefits of both
Nurture & Alpha+
- Supports General Wellbeing Supports General Wellbeing
- Hormone Harmony
- Reproductive Systems Support
- Balances Moods Naturally
- Natural Stress Adaption and Resilience
- Improves Sexual Libido (Gets that Mojo working!)
- Boosts Energy & Stamina (without direct stimulates)
- Activates Endocrine Glands and Organ Functions Thyroid – metabolism, & weight control; Adrenals – energy, stress, hormone production, inflammation modulation, cortisol; Thymus – immune regulation; Pineal – sleep & circadian rhythm; Pituitary – hormone modulation such as FSH, LH, oxytocin, vasopressin; and the Hypothalamus (master regulator – neuropeptides, HGRH & dopamine).
- Gently Enhances Digestion & Detoxification (liver, kidney) Processes
- Radiant Hair, Skin and Nails
- General Immunity Support
- Protects DNA and Cellular Mitochondria integrity
- Supports Numerous Neurotransmitters
- Healthy Sugar Regulation and Fat Metabolism
- Enhances Cardiovascular Circulation – e.g. Nitric Oxide production
- Provides Super Dense Nutrients and Rich in Antioxidants.
- Nurture – Support Female Wellbeing – e.g. Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation.
- Alpha+ – Support Male Wellbeing – e.g. Prostate Gland, Sperm Quality
Both Nurture and Alpha+ powders have been designed so they can be used interchangeable for both Male and Female use or even taken combined. Nurture and Alpha+ powders are not intended as Complete Meal Replacement supplements and should be taken to support a balanced diet. Nurture and Alpha+ powders may be used for pre-conception preparation.
Recommended Dosage Direction:
Add 10 Grams (approximately 2 rounded teaspoons) of powder to 250mls of water or can be add to non-acidic juices or smoothie drinks). Taken once to twice daily (or as otherwise directed by your practitioner).
*Disclaimer – Results may vary from individual to individual, based on health conditions, diet, weight, physical exercise and lifestyle habits. This product or other products and information discussed on the Jackson Health Website or Blogs is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Individuals taking medications and those with known medical conditions should consult with there holistic physician or practitioner before using this or any nutritional products.
*Refer to the E-Book download section – Jackson Health “Making Babies” Extract or Book by Jason Jackson ND for additional information regarding many of these products ingredients.